Weekly Portrait Sessions Registration
To register for Weekly Portrait Sessions, please complete the following steps:
1) Fill out the Registration form below with your contact info. Click submit button.
By registering for this session, you are agreeing to ALL POLICIES below (see bottom of page).
2) Choose to pay by credit card or check:
>>> For credit card payment (quickest), click on the Buy Now button to submit
full payment of $93 ($90 + $3 credit card processing fee):
>>> For payment by check, make out check for full amount of $90 to JJ Jiang.
You can either-
-- mail to JJ Jiang -- 127 Amesbury Lane, Cary, NC 27511
-- or drop off at the Village Art Circle -- 200 S Academy St., Suite 130, Cary, NC 27511
Please note that your registration and place is NOT confirmed until payment is received!
Refund Policy
There is no refund for this 6-week session. If any unpredictable circumstances force the gallery to close for any of the meetings, there may be make-up meetings offered or a refund issued for any cancelled meetings.
The Village Art Circle assumes no responsibility for any illness or injury resulting from the use of the VAC facility or services. All students accept full responsibility for their personal health.